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#1 2012-07-22 15:30:57

Mod Share Team (now jvvg)
From: Eastern United States
Registered: 2011-12-25
Posts: 375

New scratchblocks plugin

Since this is a Scratch-related site, LS and I thought it would be useful to add forum blocks.

So, I spent this morning re-writing the plugin so it would work here (it is designed for the HTML4-based Scratch forums, not these XHTML-based forums).

Anyway, it now works!
And even better, we are adding functionality for other mods in it. Currently, it supports most Insanity blocks.

We really do not like blockspamming. Only use this plugin if demonstrating a script. Anything else will be removed. If you want to play around with it, use the sticky in the scripting forum or use the preview button.

Here, look:

when <(mouse x) = [1]> is true
move (10) steps forwards
while <(mouse x) < [100]>
  point towards [mouse pointer v]
  move (3) steps forwards
turn around
info dialog [Mouse moved somewhere] and wait
stop all and press gf

when gf clicked
ask [What's your name?] and wait
if <(answer) contains [Jacob]>
  info dialog [You are cool, like the guy who implemented this plugin] and wait //Aren't I cool?
previous costume
say [Scripts in your posts, with Insanity functionality (and soon Bingo)] for [3] secs
flip horizontal
stop all

when <(mouse x) = [1]> is true
move (10) steps forwards
while <(mouse x) < [100]>
  point towards [mouse pointer v]
  move (3) steps forwards
turn around
info dialog [Mouse moved somewhere] and wait
stop all and press gf

when gf clicked
ask [What's your name?] and wait
if <(answer) contains [Jacob]>
  info dialog [You are cool, like the guy who implemented this plugin] and wait //Aren't I cool?
previous costume
say [Scripts in your posts, with Insanity functionality (and soon Bingo)] for [3] secs
flip horizontal
stop all

Last edited by jvvg (2012-11-02 22:00:53)

Fear me, all powerful forum moderator! tongue


#2 2012-07-22 19:01:16

Mod Share-er
Registered: 2012-04-14
Posts: 25

Re: New scratchblocks plugin

I saw the when <> true and it reminded me why I don't include it in any of my mods. It is because you can do: when <something that always reports true> is true, and then the script will not react to the stop sign or anything, and it could be doing malicious activity.



#3 2012-07-22 20:46:39

Mod Share-er
Registered: 2012-06-03
Posts: 38

Re: New scratchblocks plugin

it's a little messy.

Stop Cispa! Stop Cispa! Stop Cispa! Stop Cispa! Stop Cispa! Stop Cispa! Stop Cispa! Stop Cispa! Stop Cispa! Stop Cispa! Stop Cispa! Stop Cispa! Stop Cispa! Stop Cispa! Stop Cispa! Stop Cispa! Stop Cispa! Stop Cispa! Stop Cispa! Stop Cispa! Stop Cispa! Stop Cispa! Stop Cispa! Stop Cispa! Stop Cispa! Stop Cispa! Stop Cispa! Stop Cispa! Stop Cispa! Stop Cispa! Stop Cispa! Stop Cispa! Stop Cispa! Stop Cispa! Stop Cispa! Stop Cispa! Stop Cispa! Stop Cispa! Stop Cispa! Stop Cispa! Stop Cispa! Stop Cispa! Stop Cispa! Stop Cispa! Stop Cispa! Stop Cispa! Stop Cispa! Stop Cispa! Stop Cispa! Stop Cispa! Stop Cispa! Stop Cispa! Stop Cispa! Stop Cispa! Stop Cispa! Stop Cispa! Stop Cispa! Stop Cispa! Stop Cispa! Stop Cispa! Stop Cispa! Stop Cispa! Stop Cispa! Stop Cispa!


#4 2012-07-22 23:17:27

Mod Share Team (now jvvg)
From: Eastern United States
Registered: 2011-12-25
Posts: 375

Re: New scratchblocks plugin

One other thing:

when gf clicked
  if <(post) contains (blockspam)>  //if you need to test out blocks, please use the preview button
    delete post
    warn user through notifications
    if <(user's number of notifications for block spam) > [3 or so]>
      ban (poster) for [a few days v] because of [spamming v]

Fear me, all powerful forum moderator! tongue


#5 2012-07-23 10:02:43

Mod Share-er
Registered: 2012-04-17
Posts: 14

Re: New scratchblocks plugin

The custom hat block there is a little buggy.


#6 2012-07-23 10:12:07

Mod Share Team (now jvvg)
From: Eastern United States
Registered: 2011-12-25
Posts: 375

Re: New scratchblocks plugin

RedRocker227 wrote:

The custom hat block there is a little buggy.

Yeah, I know. I'm working on making it taller.

Fear me, all powerful forum moderator! tongue


#7 2012-10-28 20:31:30

New Mod Share-er
Registered: 2012-10-19
Posts: 8

Re: New scratchblocks plugin

[scratchblocks]when gf clicked
if <(post) contains (blockspam)> //if you need to test out blocks, please use the preview button
delete post
warn user through notifications
if <(user's number of notifications for block spam) > [3 or so]>
ban (poster) for [a few days v] because of [spamming v]

Did it work?


#8 2012-10-28 20:48:29

Mod Share Team
From: United States
Registered: 2012-09-16
Posts: 616

Re: New scratchblocks plugin

ahirbhairav wrote:

Did it work?

I finally fixed it. It turned out it was a pretty obscure problem.

Programmer • Runner • Mod Share Admin


#9 2012-10-31 23:06:59

New Mod Share-er
Registered: 2012-10-19
Posts: 8

Re: New scratchblocks plugin

Ah yay...
when gf clicked
say [Thanks, jvvg!]
stop all


#10 2012-11-14 23:14:39

Mod Share Team
From: United States
Registered: 2012-09-16
Posts: 616

Re: New scratchblocks plugin

Finally, I fixed the glitch where it covers up the rest of the post. It turned out I was missing a bit of CSS.

Programmer • Runner • Mod Share Admin


#11 2013-03-03 12:03:53

Mod Share-er
From: mars or jupiter, i forgot :P
Registered: 2013-02-04
Posts: 61

Re: New scratchblocks plugin

chanmanpartyman wrote:

I saw the when <> true and it reminded me why I don't include it in any of my mods. It is because you can do: when <something that always reports true> is true, and then the script will not react to the stop sign or anything, and it could be doing malicious activity.

Then edit it so it can't go on forever.

the above post has been found that the following
o There might be a typo
o I am awesome
o You are awesome


#12 2013-03-03 12:06:40

Mod Share-er
From: mars or jupiter, i forgot :P
Registered: 2013-02-04
Posts: 61

Re: New scratchblocks plugin

when gf clicked
say [TESTING!] for (2) secs
clone me
when Sprite1 created
say [Figured out which mod this is in?] for (4) secs
say [Panther! (also jvvg, you forgot panther cloning blocks!)]

the above post has been found that the following
o There might be a typo
o I am awesome
o You are awesome


#13 2013-03-04 22:26:10

Mod Share-er
Registered: 2012-09-24
Posts: 149

Re: New scratchblocks plugin

SFollis wrote:

when gf clicked
say [TESTING!] for (2) secs
clone me
when Sprite1 created
say [Figured out which mod this is in?] for (4) secs
say [Panther! (also jvvg, you forgot panther cloning blocks!)]

say[go to]//
and[post shcratchblocks there]

Last edited by dvd4 (2013-03-04 22:26:57)

R.I.P scratch


#14 2021-10-16 07:15:34

Mod Share-er
From: Microsoft
Registered: 2021-08-01
Posts: 76

Re: New scratchblocks plugin

when <(mouse x) = [1]> is true
move (10) steps forwards
while <(mouse x) < [100]>
  point towards [mouse pointer v]
  move (3) steps forwards
turn around
info dialog [Mouse moved somewhere] and wait
stop all and press gf

when gf clicked
ask [What's your name?] and wait
if <(answer) contains [Jacob]>
  info dialog [You are cool, like the guy who implemented this plugin] and wait //Aren't I cool?
previous costume
say [Scripts in your posts, with Insanity functionality (and soon Bingo)] for [3] secs
flip horizontal
stop all



#15 2021-10-16 07:19:24

Mod Share-er
From: Microsoft
Registered: 2021-08-01
Posts: 76

Re: New scratchblocks plugin

InternetExplorer8 wrote:

when <(mouse x) = [1]> is true
move (10) steps forwards
while <(mouse x) < [100]>
  point towards [mouse pointer v]
  move (3) steps forwards
turn around
info dialog [Mouse moved somewhere] and wait
stop all and press gf

when gf clicked
ask [What's your name?] and wait
if <(answer) contains [Jacob]>
  info dialog [You are cool, like the guy who implemented this plugin] and wait //Aren't I cool?
previous costume
say [Scripts in your posts, with Insanity functionality (and soon Bingo)] for [3] secs
flip horizontal
stop all

Hrm.... They don't work... yikes



#16 2021-10-18 07:12:51

New Mod Share-er
Registered: 2021-10-16
Posts: 1

Re: New scratchblocks plugin

They should be called Modblocks, this site is ModShare!

HTML FAIL! roll But why did I do that?


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