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#26 2012-10-18 14:23:37

New Mod Share-er
Registered: 2012-07-12
Posts: 48

Re: Suggest projects to be featured

jvvg wrote:
playzooki wrote:
jvvg wrote:

I was just wondering if that was the project you were referring to, and if so, explaining why it got the views. No need to get worked up. smile

I wasnt... you know it could have started a fight over a fight which means there could be a fight over who stated it and then everybody who reads this post gets so confused there arms fall off XD

...or I just delete all the fight posts. tongue

And then the server explode and all the users get so angry they explode... tongue


#27 2012-10-18 14:48:24

Mod Share Team
From: United States
Registered: 2012-09-16
Posts: 616

Re: Suggest projects to be featured

playzooki wrote:
jvvg wrote:
playzooki wrote:

I wasnt... you know it could have started a fight over a fight which means there could be a fight over who stated it and then everybody who reads this post gets so confused there arms fall off XD

...or I just delete all the fight posts. tongue

And then the server explode and all the users get so angry they explode... tongue

Normally, if a topic dissolves into off-topicness, I'd close it as long as no real discussion was still happening. However, this is the "Suggest Projects to be Featured" topic, so I can't exactly do that.

So, instead, I'll ask you to please stop the off-topicness.

Programmer • Runner • Mod Share Admin


#28 2012-10-19 15:45:48

New Mod Share-er
Registered: 2012-07-12
Posts: 48

Re: Suggest projects to be featured

jvvg wrote:
playzooki wrote:
jvvg wrote:

...or I just delete all the fight posts. tongue

And then the server explode and all the users get so angry they explode... tongue

Normally, if a topic dissolves into off-topicness, I'd close it as long as no real discussion was still happening. However, this is the "Suggest Projects to be Featured" topic, so I can't exactly do that.

So, instead, I'll ask you to please stop the off-topicness.



#29 2022-04-05 09:33:12

Mod Share-er
From: Microsoft
Registered: 2021-08-01
Posts: 76

Re: Suggest projects to be featured

Well, I don't know if it will be featured, but I think the project by wakkaaaaaaa which is a version of hyperactive cat made in insanity Scratch Mod and shared today or yesterday should be featured, I really like it and it's cool!! big_smile



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