Funny Fotos
This is a funny little photo editor I made. You import a photo, make it look crazy, and then export the new photo onto your computer! How exciting! :P
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powerpoint56 | 20 Jan 2013 18:04:52 | Bingo 2.0 |
Molybdenum - 21 Jan 2013 00:50:27
Yeah, probably. Maybe you just used an old link or something.
Molybdenum - 21 Jan 2013 01:03:07
By the way, did you know that Photos is spelled with a Ph? loljk
powerpoint56 - 21 Jan 2013 13:29:26
To direct above: No, I did not.
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Molybdenum - 20 Jan 2013 22:42:58
No, I meant in the screenshot that was on the project notes. (where'd it go?) The address bar uses
powerpoint56 - 21 Jan 2013 00:38:49
Oh. That's funny. Must have been a mistake.
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Molybdenum - 20 Jan 2013 19:07:18
Just wondering, why are you still using, in the screen shot, instead of .org? Or was it the computer that did that?
powerpoint56 - 20 Jan 2013 21:06:52
I think it was the computer, somehow. It wouldn't let me update the thumbnail.
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