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Cloud Paint


A very simple cloud paint program I wrote using the cloud variables feature in Insanity.

Simply click anywhere to draw and hold space to use the eraser.

Here are the toolbar buttons from left to right:
*Open - opens a file
*Save - save file, can take several minutes
*New - erase everything and make a new file

When you save a file, it will take a while to record the screen, then ask you for a filename to save it as. It will upload it under that name, and others can download it with that name.

Note: this project doesn't work at all online. You have to download it.





jvvg A 20 Dec 2012 01:17:51 Insanity 1.1 favourite


gatgatcode - 31 Aug 2022 23:42:48

doesnt work

wakkaaaaaaa - 21 Jun 2024 19:04:09

uhh, it says you have to download it

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haydenledean - 14 Mar 2020 19:18:15

How do it work ?

haydenledean - 14 Mar 2020 19:17:50

Good !

mesyeti - 01 Nov 2019 20:03:11

Good but isn't loading in Insanity

haydenledean - 14 Mar 2020 19:17:27


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Krett12 - 10 Apr 2016 15:13:04

Wanna hear a joke?

f1lip - 07 Aug 2016 09:04:35

Yeah! :D

mesyeti - 01 Nov 2019 20:02:37


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Krett12 - 28 Mar 2016 17:25:26

Me : What do you want at McDonald's?

Krett12 - 28 Mar 2016 17:25:57

You : Some tasteless white filth

Krett12 - 28 Mar 2016 17:26:17

Me : Huh?

Krett12 - 28 Mar 2016 17:26:38

You : Some chicken nuggets

jvvg A - 28 Mar 2016 21:48:29

Test reply

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Krett12 - 23 Mar 2016 02:08:02

I made a draft of integrating futurebb to Mod Share, you can test it out maybe?

jvvg A - 23 Mar 2016 12:30:01

I think I can do it myself, as there are some behind-the-scenes things that also need to be integrated. Thank you for offering, though.

Krett12 - 23 Mar 2016 15:59:50

Ok, just trying to help. May I make pull requests to whereever you are working on it?

jvvg A - 23 Mar 2016 17:10:35

The Mod Share modified version of FutureBB will probably remain private until we have all the groundwork in place for Mod Share V, so unfortunately we won't be accepting user contributions for the time being. Like I said, we have this under control.

Krett12 - 23 Mar 2016 22:26:12

Okay, it's just nobody can think of *everything*

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Mrsrec - 04 Oct 2014 14:27:42

Hey I Notice You Also Possess The Account "Jacob" Here. What Would Happen If Jacob On Scratch Tried To Sign Up Here---Would You Deny Them? Would You Un-Admin The Account And Give It To Them? Would You Delete It? What Would Happen?

SuperSmashScratch - 31 Oct 2014 00:54:26

I really doubt that whoever this "Jacob" account is would get an account here, they haven't yet anyway. If that does happen, the site will find a way to solve the problem. :)

jvvg A - 31 Oct 2014 11:47:31

Yeah, I don't think this will be a problem.

Mrsrec - 15 Oct 2015 00:10:42

Well, It's A Year Later And It Hasn't Been One, I Guess You Win.

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001002003004 - 02 May 2014 22:42:15

:) :C :D

f1lip - 07 Aug 2016 09:04:11

Please do not spam. Thank you and have a nice day :)

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Devloper123 - 24 Mar 2013 12:03:44

Really cool!

Laternenpfahl - 15 Feb 2013 15:35:26

I made something similar in 2.0: Cloud support soon

Laternenpfahl - 14 Feb 2013 15:15:50

File: omnom

jvvg A - 13 Feb 2013 18:07:10

Here are all of the emoticons: :D :cool: :/ :lol: :mad: :| :rolleyes: :( :) :P ;) :O

Laternenpfahl - 14 Feb 2013 03:05:31

:D My emoticons

jvvg A - 14 Feb 2013 03:09:03

Yep. :) I'll give you credit in the announcement.

Laternenpfahl - 14 Feb 2013 06:02:17

Thanks! :D

Laternenpfahl - 14 Feb 2013 06:05:35

OK, but before you actually finalize this, please: 1. Make them inline-block divs, thus allowing for both different Resolutions for Retina Displays and easier user modding. 2. Use the new zip! (I posted it on the thread)

jvvg A - 14 Feb 2013 15:34:02

Can you please explain that better? I don't quite understand the first part.

Laternenpfahl - 15 Feb 2013 03:18:26

Rather than being <img>s, the smilies should be divs with the smilie as a background to make different resolutions and modding easier.

jvvg A - 15 Feb 2013 03:22:11

However, since they're all 15 pixels, I don't think we really need different resolutions or anything. It's also fairly easy to modify them right now, due to how I [brilliantly, like always :P] structured the code.

Laternenpfahl - 15 Feb 2013 15:34:30


I would like you to make it Retina-Ready.

SFollis - 16 Feb 2013 23:26:24

i really like these! :D

Devloper123 - 19 Feb 2013 10:20:27

:D Test

Molybdenum - 19 Feb 2013 21:59:05

Test :D :) :P

Molybdenum - 19 Feb 2013 22:00:36

Should there be a version of the list with the text with the smileys, to show people what smiley comes from what code?

jvvg A - 19 Feb 2013 23:10:35

I deleted your duplicate comment, not sure how that happened. I'll write a list at some point.

Laternenpfahl - 28 Feb 2013 14:41:05

You still aren't using the new files......

Devloper123 - 24 Mar 2013 12:04:15

:D :cool: :lol: :rolleyes:

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curiouscrab - 28 Jan 2013 01:46:53

Capitalize Jvvg.

curiouscrab - 28 Jan 2013 01:47:39

The J should be capitalized. Also, thanks for your consideration. I couldn't find a server to host it in Mediawiki.

jvvg A - 30 Jan 2013 16:35:15

I don't capitalize my username.

Mrsrec - 04 Oct 2014 14:29:00

Since It Is A Name Acronym, I Will Start Calling You JVVG.

jvvg A - 04 Oct 2014 17:27:43

Please don't do that. My username is lowercase, please keep it that way.

Mrsrec - 09 Oct 2014 00:25:54

But I Put Every With With A Capital Letter, And You Are No Exception

Mrsrec - 09 Oct 2014 00:26:45

*Every Word With A

jvvg A - 09 Oct 2014 00:46:49

That's also not proper grammar, and one of my major pet peeves is the improper use of grammar.

Mrsrec - 10 Oct 2014 04:01:55

But One Of My "Major Pet Peeves" Is When I DON'T Do That. Besides, This Makes Typing A Lot Easier For Me. Everyone Else Is Used To It Except For A Cat, "jvvg", And A Blue "A"

Mrsrec - 10 Oct 2014 04:03:42

That Was Kinda Harsh, But Still True :/

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curiouscrab - 28 Jan 2013 01:29:12 I made a wiki and if you join I'll make you an admin. Same with LS97. It's still being worked on right now.

jvvg A - 28 Jan 2013 01:37:13

I'm assuming the username is jvvg. It's not letting me on. Also, unless LS97 approves of this, it's not the "official" Wiki. I'll ask him what he thinks about it.

jvvg A - 28 Jan 2013 01:39:23

Oh, wait, I got on. Anyway, I told LS97 about it, and he'll comment on one of your projects whether he approves or no.

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Molybdenum - 21 Jan 2013 18:08:33

Test comment for

Molybdenum - 21 Jan 2013 18:09:20

Test comment for

jvvg A - 21 Jan 2013 18:22:36

I only got 2 notifications for the two comments, btw.

Molybdenum - 21 Jan 2013 18:30:28

Hmm, this time I only got one notification - "Your comment on the project Cloud Paint has been replied to by jvvgA" Maybe the other time the creator deleted a comment.

jvvg A - 21 Jan 2013 21:15:55

That's probably the case.

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William7777 - 09 Jan 2013 02:28:49

Cannot download! It says bad header!

jvvg A - 09 Jan 2013 02:35:15

Really? Man... Are you sure you're not using an old version? When I download it directly through Insanity, it works fine.

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curiouscrab - 31 Dec 2012 19:19:43

You know Flash version 207 is out. Right now Mod Share uses v187.

jvvg A - 31 Dec 2012 21:04:49

I only update it every once in a while.

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curiouscrab - 31 Dec 2012 19:17:31

I was in the forums and I tried posting a new topic and it said I had to wait 180 seconds and so I waited and submitted it and when I looked it had duplicated the forum. What happened?

jvvg A - 31 Dec 2012 21:06:16

Hmm. That hasn't happened to anybody else before. Let me know if it happens again.

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curiouscrab - 28 Dec 2012 20:33:58

I just received messages that said "Your project New Mod User has received a new comment by curiouscrab." What's going on?

jvvg A - 28 Dec 2012 22:35:50

That would probably be a glitch in some notification improvements I am making.

jvvg A - 28 Dec 2012 22:54:00

I found the solution to this problem and the other one: I made a code typo. :P

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curiouscrab - 28 Dec 2012 20:32:43

Warning: in_array() expects parameter 2 to be array, null given in /hermes/waloraweb030/b1459/moo.modshareorg/modshare/pages/projectviewer.php on line 325 I made a comment and this showed up.

jvvg A - 28 Dec 2012 22:36:15

I see that. I'll try to fix it.

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curiouscrab - 28 Dec 2012 02:23:52

Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_VARIABLE in /hermes/waloraweb030/b1459/moo.modshareorg/modshare/pages/galleries/new.php on line 27

jvvg A - 28 Dec 2012 02:57:22

Oh, I'll fix that.

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curiouscrab - 28 Dec 2012 02:21:42

Whenever I try to make a gallery it has an error message.

curiouscrab - 26 Dec 2012 22:30:20

Galleries needs work. It had an error on my computer.

jvvg A - 27 Dec 2012 03:52:38

On what page, specifically?

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thescratchytim - 23 Dec 2012 03:47:55

Good! It works, although image saving is slow, you could try not using repeat blocks to make it go faster.for example repeat(10) is the inside script 10 times. Also, loveit

jvvg A - 23 Dec 2012 18:11:50

I can't figure out a way to make it capture all of the pixels without the nested repeats. :(

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GP1 - 20 Dec 2012 20:38:17

Awesome! It works! But saving an image is slow, and turning on turbo mode doesn't help, but good job anyway!

jvvg A - 21 Dec 2012 02:59:08

Thanks. I can't find any way to make it go faster. :(

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curiouscrab - 20 Dec 2012 02:27:34

Whenever I try to download a mod it always just opens the program with the default sprite, but the project is gone.

jvvg A - 20 Dec 2012 12:45:57

That's probably a problem on your computer. That hasn't happened to anyone else, I don't think.

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curiouscrab - 20 Dec 2012 02:21:47

Panther is unable to be downloaded, just so you know. A dialog box pops up every time you open it and it cancels the previous command.

XenoK - 19 Oct 2012 20:46:25

:)  cool! 

jvvg A - 19 Oct 2012 21:02:02

Thanks! :)

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playzooki - 18 Oct 2012 18:25:43

Its not working on insanity 1.1

jvvg A - 18 Oct 2012 18:46:30

It should. What doesn't work with it?

playzooki - 19 Oct 2012 19:31:25

It says it cannot read it. D:

jvvg A - 21 Oct 2012 17:29:02

There is a bug with the uploader that I am still trying to fix. Anyway, try again, because I think I fixed it for this project.

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Martiscratch - 28 Sep 2012 15:08:31

how do I get it to work?

jvvg A - 28 Sep 2012 15:25:48

It works for me...

jvvg A - 28 Sep 2012 15:25:59

Oh, for this project, you need to download it.

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