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Alexa Chat bot V1.2


Welcome to my latest chatbot. Obviously it isnt a real AIexa, but it tries its best to act like one. I'm trying really hard to add a lot of responses so you can keep a conversation going, but the size of the project is making it hard to keep developing. :(

Please report bugs and suggestions in the comments

Thanks to @Tinevimbonashe for some optimization help.
Click sound is from:
thanks to tinevimbonashe for the special key detector
                       VERSION HISTORY
2.2 - Fixed characters that would be displayed at different heights
      - Fixed not being able to detect an empty question
      - Fixed selecting emojis not removing the “start typing” text
      - Fixed not being able to detect only when emojis are used
      - Add new sound effects
      - Doubled the length of the specific responses script
2.1.1 - Optimizations, enhancements and importent bugfixes.
2.1 - (would have been 2.0 if I was more patient, basically finishing off emojis)
      - Emoji bugfixes
      - 1 New emoji
      - Some emoji related responses
      - You can now type some emoji related characters eg "():;" 
2.0 - You can now type emojis (only 2 for now)
      - Revamped settings
      - Backgrounds
      - Text colour setting
      - Tutorial
      - More universial UI
      - Clock at the top of the window
      - Pink theme
      - Many other small improvements and adjustments, such as new resposes, more typable characters, bugfixes, removal of old code & more.
1.6.1 - New (basic) debugger console. Just ask to open
        - A few new responses
1.6 - Tooltips
     - New blue and purple themes
     - 50 different characters now have basic support, and more have full support
     - A grand total of 1 new response.
     - A easter egg!!
1.5.1 - New green theme
        - You can now type more punctuation.
1.5 - Themes!
      - Added Mute and Marker toggles to settings.
      - New Animation
      - You can now type punctuation in the text box.
      - Fixed submit button bug.
1.4.1 -  Some minor UI & Performance Tweaks
1.4 - UI Overhaul
      - New Settings (WIP)
      - New Sounds
1.3 - ALOT more content.
1.2 - Added sounds!
      -The typing system now uses clones instead of stamps
      -Added functionality to the clear all button.
      -More Responses (3)
      -HEAPS more jokes
      -Jokes will no longer repeat unless all have been used.
      -Text field is now automatically activated after each question.
      -Removed the microphone button from the interface.
1.1.2 - More Responses (4)
        - Bugfixes (3)
        - You can now type in numbers to the query field.
1.1.1 - More Responses (2)
        - Bugfixes (1)
1.1 - Added system to convert username strings to capitals so they can be typed.
     - Removed about 48 lines of code
     - Added Ui bar to the top of screen (although it has nothing yet)
     - More responses (5)
     - New months variable instead of just number
1.0 - Release
                          Thank you





Tinevimbonashe 18 Jul 2021 09:29:37 Scratch 3.0 favourite
